COBOL and C++ May 2013 question paper

Subject : COBOL and C++ - UCCC
Question Paper : 46433
May 2013

Part - A (3 Marks) Write any 10

2. What are literals
3. Write the use of level number 77 with example.
4. Write a note on : RD entry
5. Define Indexed File
6. What are objects
7. What are keywords
8. What is the use of scope of resoulation operators? Give example.
9. Define Virtual functions
10. List out the types of inheritance.
11. Define Operator overloading.
12. Write a note on Seekg() function.

Part - B (5 Marks)Write any 5

13. Discuss briefly on layout of COBOL programs.
14. Explain the general syntax of ACCEPT and DISPLAY statements with examples.
15. Write a COBOL Program to find the sum of given FOUR numbers.
16. Explain the benefits of OOP.
17. Write a C++ program to illustrate the use if friend functions.
18. Discuss briefly on type conversion in C++ with examples.
19. Write short note on Sequential File Input and Output Operations in C++.

Part - C (10 Marks)Write any 4

20. Explain the usage of any five PICTURE clause characters with suitable examples.
21. Write a COBOL program to illustrate the use of SORT statement.
22. Explain the Basic concept of OOP.
23. What are the special characteristics of constructor functions in C++ ? Explain them.
24. Write are Command - line arguments in C++ ? Explain them with an Example.

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