Students Visa Process to USA

Students Visa Process to United States of America Students should go to vfswebsite and register for an appointment. Once the appointment is registered, The Students should come to counselling for the interview process. Students should research the School or University and course of study. US India 

US India Educational Foundation Located on Embassy. Important : Fill DS160. DS160 is an Application for Visa Please don't provide false certificate or any other source.

Documents required for Visa I20, Academic Marksheet. Financial document notrequired. Should speak about source of Finance. Should explain the officer, how they will pay their fees. The GRE is not required for student Visa.

Students should Apply for early for Visa as soon as possible. They will not be permitted to enter US on that F1 Visa Prior to 30 days to the start of the program Date.

The student should start the process 12 - 18 months before he/she joins the US University. Every student can complete the entire application process in 5 easy steps :

  1. Research his option. 
  2. Complete your application 
  3. Source for Funding 
  4. Apply for Student Visa 
  5. Prepare for your Departure
There are about 3000 colleges and Universities in United States. 

How to find Accredited of colleges in United States :

You find the colleges  Accredition at
Where chea stands for Council for Higher Education Accreditation.

What is OPT 

OPT is optional Practical Training. Student after he Graduates gets a chance to work in that same Visa. He doesn't have to chance his visa for a period of 12 months or more. Usually students gets for twelve months, but students who studying Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths get an additional of 17 months for doing OPT Training.

More information Information about to renew visa, etc
contact International Student Office

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